Received: 29th November 2022; Revised: 08th February 2023, 21st February 2023; Accepted: 22nd February 2023


  • Irawaty Irawaty Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Rini Fidiyani Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Rindia Fanny Kusumaningtyas M.H., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia




Teaching Tolerance, Youtube, Inspirators, Maxim, Beliefs, Respect


This article investigates the maxim of tolerance based on the inspirators' opinion on tolerance which is stated clearly in each video related to Kant's moral theory and ways of teaching implemented by each inspirator in promoting tolerance. This research applies a qualitative approach. The data is taken by observing 4 videos, based on the number of views that contain tolerance, of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia Youtube Channel. The youtube channel name is Cerdas Berkarakter Kemdikbud RI. The playlist name which contains the teaching of tolerance is Kata Mereka (They Say). The method used in data analysis is content analysis. The findings of the research are: all inspirators' statements on tolerance satisfy the maxim of Kant's view and all the inspirators implemented communication that create good and joyful interaction to establish tolerance to their audience/students.


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How to Cite

Irawaty, I., Fidiyani, R., & Kusumaningtyas, R. F. (2023). TEACHING TOLERANCE IN INDONESIA: A STUDY ON THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Received: 29th November 2022; Revised: 08th February 2023, 21st February 2023; Accepted: 22nd February 2023. PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning, 7(1), 01–14. https://doi.org/10.20319/pijtel.2023.71.0114